Rules for authors

Rules for authors

The general requirements for articles submitted for publication to the journal” Acta Botanica Caucasica ” include the following: the article should be original, written in a clear and logical sequence, should be clearly edited and reflect new information. Preference is given to experimental research articles. Manuscripts [email protected] email should be sent to your email address.


Technical requirements for the design of the material

The articles should be prepared using the Microsoft Esppelord editor. Manuscripts *.doc,*.docx or *.Times New Roman in rtf format, font size 12, line spacing should be typed at intervals of 1.5 cm, with an indent of 2.5 cm from each edge of the page. The main text should be typed with a paragraph of 1.25 cm. the title, summary and keywords are written without a paragraph. All pages should be numbered on the right side.


The article should be formatted as follows:

– The title line of the article should be printed with a letter in oily font;

– Authors ‘ name and surname;

– Full name of the author(s)organization;

– Full postal address of the Institute, e-mail of the responsible author;

In the abstract (150-200 words), the goal, method, main conclusions and practical significance should be shown.

Keywords or phrases should not exceed 5.

The introduction should reflect the current state of the study, its problems and goals, while the references should give preference to the literature of recent years;

Materials and methods. The methods should be briefly and clearly described or referred to the appropriate print work. For the reagents and equipment used, the name of the manufacturers and countries must be specified.

Results of the study. The results should be concise and concrete.

Discussion of results. Key points, conclusions and prospects for future research should be summarized. Opinions from the introduction and conclusions sections should not be repeated;

Gratitude. Gratitude for the support of research work, the names of the funds that finance them (grant number), it is advisable to place at the end of the article.

References. The list of references should be in alphabetical order. For magazines, the surname and initials of the authors, year of publication, title of publication, name of the journal, number of publications and pages should be indicated. For books and Conference works, the surname and initials of the authors, year of publication, name of publication, City, publishing house and pages should be indicated. References that are not printed in English are presented by translating into English and indicating the original form of the work in brackets.


Bibliographic references in the text should be indicated as follows:

one author – [Schaft, 1931],

two authors – [Plaza and Sanchez-Moreno, 2011],

more than two authors-[Santesson et al., 2004].


Table and pictures. Tables and images should have headings indicating the sequence of numbers and their contents. Tables are compiled using the Microsoft Word editor. The image resolution must be at least 600 dots per inch. Diagrams, diagrams and other photos presented in the article should only be in JPEG and PNG formats.

Mathematical and chemical formulas. Microsoft Equation editor to create mathematical formulas, chemical formulas, chemical reaction diagrams, etc. for-ChemWindow, use the ChemDraw program.

Acronyms and abbreviations. Generally accepted acronyms (IUCN, ICN, cm, m, kg, g, α, μ və s.) except that the acronym used in the other article should be disclosed at the place of first mention.

© Acta Botanica Caucasica, 2024