Abstract. Today, the most urgent problem for breeders is the creation of high-quality wheat varieties.
Recently, the grain quality of soft wheat, especially the quality of gluten, has become low,
despite its high content. It is known that, in the formation of grain quality, the contribution of the
genotype is undeniable, from this point of view, the study of samples of competitive variety testing
makes it possible to establish the direction of selection. The role of various traits in realizing the potential
of a variety is different in a particular agro-ecological region, therefore, the purpose of this
study was to study the dependence of grain quality on the genotype and growing conditions. The
object was 99 samples, the studies were carried out in 2021-2022. Grain quality was assessed in the
laboratory “Grain Quality”, according to the following indicators: the mass fraction of crude gluten,
the quality of gluten, i.e., GDİ (gluten deformation index), sedimentation and protein content. The
study of the quality of grain obtained from the control nursery of variety testing for the selection of
soft wheat grown in the same conditions of irrigated soil of the Terter RES (regional experimental
station) showed that the year of the study of the growing season significantly affects the formation
of the quality of soft wheat grain. In this study, the protein content indicator turned out to be the
most dependent on weather conditions. Along with this, the features of the genotype also have an
impact on the formation of the quality of the crop. Consequently, climatic conditions have a significant
influence, but at the same time, the properties of the genotype are undeniable.
JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2023 in Acta Botanica Caucasica